Blended learning networks (BLNs) with long-term care workers, informal carers and stakeholders
Blended Learning Networks (BLNs), i.e. heterogeneous communities of practice, will ensure a continuous involvement of end-users and stakeholders throughout the project. BLNs will meet regularly to discuss project activities. The implementation of BLNs is a transversal activity running throughout the project. In this way, it will have close links and interrelations with all other work packages.
National BLNs will be set up in each partner country in the first months of the project. Each year, a total of 5 BLN sessions will take place in each of the 5 countries. In addition, a cross-national BLN session, will take place in the margins of the final conference to share lessons learned.
At the end of the project, a final report on the implementation and outcomes of the BLNs, a layperson brief and a podcast will be publicly available.
This Work Package 5 is coordinated by NKA.
Contact: Lennart Magnusson